Product Reviewer and Social Media Influencer
Beauty Fashion Lifestyle Home Essentials

Testimonials & Accomplishments

Are you considering me for a collaboration and want to know if you think you will be satisfied with my work? Check out the reviews and testimonials below that were left by brands I have worked with in the past. These clients were kind enough to leave me feedback on my performance after I had completed the agreed upon tasks. I'm sure you will be just as pleased as they were, but don't take my word for it...take theirs!

Reviews & Testimonials From Previous Clients

This client was so pleased they didn't just leave me positive feedback, but also felt compelled to send me a quick message praising me for my work. I always love getting feedback from my clients. It's validating to know they are just as happy with the outcome of the collaboration as I am.

I use various Influencer Marketing websites to connect me to brands that are in need of my services. So far I have maintained 5 star reviews for almost every job I have performed. I always appreciate feedback, regardless if it is negative or positive. Brand feedback is very important to me as it helps me continue my professional growth as a social influencer. I use one website more than others, having completed almost 155 product reviews since August of 2018. This particular website uses a combination of brand feedback on the quality of the content provided by the influencer as well as completion of tasks on time to give you a calculated rating based on a 5 star system. So far, my rating has never dropped below a 4.8. I am very proud of this rating, as I feel it is a positive reflection of my integrity as a reviewer.

Accomplishments and Achievements

I recently had a fellow product reviewer reach out to me on Instagram with some basic interview style questions about what I do and how. He told me that he would like to include my responses in his upcoming book. I didn't think much of it at the time, but answered his questions anyways. Fast forward a couple of months later, and I am now listed as a Contributing Author on Amazon, and featured in the book, "How To Get Free Stuff With Online Product Reviews: Start From Scratch, Build A Brand, Attract A Social Following, & Get A Ton Of Free Stuff by Tyler Christensen"! How crazy amazing is that?! I'm featured in a book guys!! Talk about GREAT publicity!

 Check out this screenshot of my mention in the Acknowledgements:

The book is full of great information for people wanting to get into product reviewing.
Check It Out Here

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Want your product featured? If you are a brand representative and would like information about having your product reviewed on my blog, please email me at: Business inquiries ONLY please.